Tuesday 17 July 2012

Fight to save the Kimberley, whales, hots up as Sea Shepherd's Steve Irwin gets involved...

The Sea Shepherd vessel the "Steve Irwin" leaves on Friday to highlight the plight of the whale after yesterday's news.
The Western Australian Government, headed up by WA Premier Colin Barnett is pushing ahead with gas factories at James Price Point, north of Broome on one of the world’s most pristine coastlines.
This area is the BIGGEST HUMPBACK WHALE NURSERY IN THE WORLD. Blue whales also pass through to calve further north of the spot. Constructing the gas factories and port would mean noise pollution, destruction of habitat and also boat strikes to whales. If the gas factories went ahead it would open the door to the industrialisation of other parts of the region and could lead to coal and uranium shipments out of the Kimberley wilds.
Woodside has already started drilling into reefs and to enable the big ships to come in, there would be further drilling and dredging up to 6 km out to sea. A jetty several kilometres long would also be constructed.

This image by Adam Monk (www.adammonk.com) is of the proposed site. -- More on this soon.

UPDATE:  Here's a link to the news that Bob Brown is now involved as he and Sea Shepherd launch OPERATION KIMBERLEY MIINIMBI


  1. Thanks Ben and here is an update from the Sea Shepherd site with Bob Brown's involvement:

  2. Jack, Enjoyed reading your blog. FYI, I was a huge fan of Steve Irwin. I hope to one day get to the Australia Zoo. Keep on doing what you are doing.


    [Seems all the world's ills stem from greed].


    1. Thanks Jenna. Yes Steve was a passionate guy for sure. I'll have posts from the field soon. Cheers Jack.
