Check out Shiva's thumb. Now check out his shoes. At yesterday morning's training session for Asa, Shiva slipped on a steep slope while making sure the little leopard didn't come to any harm...
Yesterday I posted on Facebook that I was about to sell exclusive Asa images to raise money to get boots for the four forest guards I am working with in Asa's rehabilitation. I had already decided to do this before the accident. Things like this happen all the time. My "bloody book" will tell many stories. The fantastic Aussie Kate Walton immediately sent money to buy boots with extra that will get Shiva some medical treatment. You see, he can't afford it. He earns barely three bloody dollars a day from the Ministry of Forests. About 20 million people in this country earn $2 a day. I'm happy to dip into my own pocket for these guys but I really appreciate it when people like Kate and the wonderful Ellen Ammerman make these great contributions. Ellen is a gold star giver and will be visiting us next month. More about her contributions then. There are many of you. Just a few dollars here and there really helps. All of you will be put on a role of honour when we get UNESCO status for the Annapurna.
Kate emailed me a while back saying she was happy to support my "no bullshit" approach to conservation. I really appreciated that. WildTiger people don't poof round in huge luxury jeeps, we don't spend hours and hours at endless meetings. We get our hands dirty because we believe...
There'll be a $5 Asa image available very soon plus a $20 image and an exclusive image like Kate has bought available only to four more people. You can see by the image how the money is spent. I'll have more details about Stage 1 and Stage 2 of Asa's part in how it is fitting into Project Mountain Tiger very soon as well. It's a lot of work in testing conditions but I'm hell bent that we will succeed. And we are all in this together... cheers Jack.
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